Tyco Spinkler head
Pendent & Upright Sprinkler Tyco TY5131/5231
Series ELO-231FRB — 11.2 K-factor Upright and Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage
Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers
TY5131 - Upright 11.2K, 3/4"NPT
TY5231 - Pendent 11.2K, 3/4"NPT
TY5131 is a redesignation for C5131.
TY5231 is a redesignation for C5231,G1870, and S2551.
UL and C-UL Listed. FM and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A for complete approval information including corrosion resistant status. The approvalsapply to the service conditions indicated in the Design Criteria section.)